Benefits of parsley: 5 Important Impressive Health Benefits and Uses of Parsley

Parsley is a plant commonly used to treat urinary tract infections, kidney stones, constipation, and many more. This article details the effects of parsley on inflammation, and scientific research explains the effect of parsley on inflammation.


What are the health benefits of parsley?

Health benefits that are naturally found in parsley include:

1- Promoting the health of the digestive system and liver

Eating parsley daily can support digestive health due to its role in supporting the liver. Parsley boosts levels of glutathione, a major antioxidant in the liver.

It has been proven that parsley works to regenerate liver tissue damaged by chronic diseases, as it stimulates the production of bile in the liver, which is necessary for the digestion of fats in the intestine.

Bile is also necessary to remove toxins that are expelled from the body and liver, as a lack of bile production can lead to indigestion, microbial growth, and hormonal disorders.

2- Reducing blood glucose levels

Parsley has blood sugar-lowering properties and is used as an alternative treatment for type 1 diabetes in some countries.

3- Improving breath and body odor

Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, which improves bad breath and body odor.

Chlorophyll acts as an antimutagenic, reducing bacteria that cause bad breath and body odor.

4- It lowers blood pressure

Parsley contains diuretic properties, which promote the excretion of sodium and water in the urine and the reabsorption of potassium by the kidneys, thus lowering blood pressure.

5- Reduces the risk of cancer.

Fresh parsley leaves contain a range of antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E, all of which protect the body from the effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that can damage healthy cells and lead to the development of cancer.

Nutrients in parsley

Below is a list of the nutrients found in parsley and their benefits

  • Vitamin A: Improves night vision and skin health.

  • Vitamin B: Helps repair body cells and release energy from cells.
  • Vitamin C helps maintain the immune system.
  • Vitamin E slows down cell aging.
  • Vitamin K balances blood viscosity and helps cleanse and produce liver proteins.
  • Iron is used to produce hemoglobin, which is necessary for energy production.

  • Manganese helps absorb vitamin C and produce sex hormones.
  • Potassium is beneficial for growth, building muscles, and strengthening the nervous system.
  • Zinc strengthens the immune system and prevents acne.

  • Calcium strengthens bones, teeth, and hair.
  • Uses of parsley

Parsley can be used in many ways, including

Parsley juice: Mix parsley with other fruits and vegetables.

Parsley infusion: Soak parsley leaves in boiling water for a few minutes.

Salads: Add fresh leaves to various salads.

Spices: Parsley is dried and added to dishes as a seasoning.

Tips on making the most of parsley

Before buying and eating parsley, remember the following

Buy fresh parsley, that is, the leaves are green and not dried or discolored.

Wash, dry, and chop the parsley immediately before eating it to prevent loss of vitamins.

If parsley is to be added to a dish, it should be added at the end of cooking to preserve its flavor and nutritional value.

Side effects of parsley

While parsley leaves and stems are considered safe and can be eaten without restrictions without risk of poisoning, the only sensitive part is the parsley seeds. The seeds contain essential oils and should be eaten with caution, as eating the seeds can cause the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Liver and kidney damage.
  • Parsley is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women because it may stimulate labor.


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