Diabetes Symptoms: When Are Diabetes Symptoms a Concern?

Symptoms of diabetes can be difficult to detect. This section explains what to look for and when to seek treatment.

Diabetes Symptoms

People with early symptoms of diabetes should also be screened, but these symptoms are not easy to recognize. In fact, the condition develops so slowly that some people develop type 2 diabetes many years before they are diagnosed with diabetes.

Diabetes Symptoms

Schedule an examination if you notice any of the following symptoms:

Extreme thirst.

frequent urination.

Feeling more tired than usual.

Blurred vision.

Unintended weight loss.

Recognizing potential diabetes symptoms can lead to early diagnosis and treatment. This can help prevent diabetes complications and lead to a healthier life.

Diabetes Symptoms

This section details the possible signs and symptoms of diabetes:

1- Weight loss

When sugar is lost through frequent urination, calories are lost as well. As with dehydration, this can lead to rapid weight loss, especially in people with type 1 diabetes. However, this can also occur in people with type 2 diabetes. People who have just been diagnosed with diabetes may notice immediate weight gain due to improved hydration. Over time, weight gain may then continue unless steps are taken to prevent it, as some of the sugar is eliminated in the urine.

2- Thirst and frequent urination

Common symptoms of diabetes are thirst and frequent urination. Excess sugar, also known as glucose, builds up in the blood in people with diabetes. This forces the kidneys to work to filter and absorb excess sugar.

When the kidneys cannot handle this excess sugar, the sugar is excreted in the urine along with water from the body's tissues. This leads to dehydration, thirst, and increased urination as more water is consumed to quench the thirst.

3- Fatigue

Diabetes can make you very tired. This is known as fatigue. It is caused by high blood sugar, which interferes with the body's ability to use sugar to produce energy. Dehydration resulting from increased urination can also cause fatigue.

4- Slow healing of ulcers and recurrent infections

High blood glucose levels reduce blood flow and interfere with the body's natural healing processes. For this reason, people with diabetes may notice slow healing of sores, especially on the feet. Diabetic patients have a higher incidence of yeast infections of the bladder and vagina than other patients.

5- Weakness, redness, and swelling of the gums

Diabetes impairs the body's ability to fight bacteria. This increases the possibility of infection in the gums and bones supporting the teeth. Loose teeth can also cause the gums to recede from the teeth, although this is less common, leading to the appearance of ulcers and pus pockets in the gums.

6- Blurred vision

Symptoms of diabetes can also affect vision. When blood sugar levels are high, fluid is drawn from the body's tissues, including the lens of the eye. This affects the eye's ability to focus. When diabetes is treated and blood sugar levels are well controlled, the eye usually regains its ability to focus, and blurry vision disappears.

However, if diabetes is left untreated, new blood vessels may form in the retina at the back of the eye. This may damage other blood vessels. In most people, these early changes do not cause vision problems. However, if these changes go undetected and worsen, they may cause vision problems and eventually blindness.

7-Numbness and paralysis in the extremities

People with diabetes may experience numbness or loss of sensation in their limbs. This is due to high blood sugar, which affects nerve function. Burning pain in the arms, hands, feet, and legs may also occur.

8- Take your body's cues seriously

Diabetes Symptoms

If you notice any symptoms that make you think you may have diabetes, talk to a member of your healthcare team. Diabetes is a serious disease. The earlier it is diagnosed, the earlier treatment can begin. With active participation and support of the health care team, people with diabetes can often successfully manage their disease and live healthy, active lives.

If you want to protect yourself from diabetes, read this article.


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