7 benefits of Football: Reasons that will make you practice it nonstop

 Football is one of the most exciting and popular games in the world, but playing football is more than just a recreational activity; it has great health and psychological benefits.

benefits of Football

Benefits of Football

Football is a great sport for children, and if you are hesitant to enroll your children in the local football league, the following reasons may convince you

Children who develop healthy exercise habits are more likely to maintain these habits into adulthood. Research shows that “exercise improves heart health, enhances bone and muscle strength, and helps maintain a healthy weight.”

1. Physical benefits of football

Increasing bone strength Football is one of the sports that plays a major role in increasing the strength and density of bones in the player’s body, especially in the legs. This benefit stems from the fact that players have to support their body weight for the duration of the match, which can last up to 90 minutes. The practice of lifting weights increases the athlete's bone mass, making the bones stronger and thicker, which reflects on the athlete's health in the future, especially in the advanced periods of his life.

2. Improving cardiovascular health

Improving cardiovascular health is one of the most important and significant things that can be gained by playing football. During the match, players run long distances of between 8 and 11 km throughout the entire match. This lowers blood pressure, burns calories, and removes blood clots from the arteries.

3. Improving respiratory health.

  Soccer matches require players to walk or run for long periods during the match. This improves the efficiency of the players' respiratory systems, allowing them to walk and run more efficiently without feeling fatigued.

4. Reducing body fat.

  Football exercise reduces the amount of fat in the player's body, which is compensated for by increasing total muscle mass. Football exercises have been proven to burn calories more efficiently than regular exercises. This is because players use multiple forms of movement during the game, and expend effort and energy.

5. Increase muscle strength

  Playing football increases muscle strength in various parts of the player's body, including the muscles of the lower body that are important for techniques that require leg strength, such as shooting and jumping, and the muscles of the upper body that are used in the process of confronting the players of the opposing team and maintaining... The ball is in the court.

6. Increase brain power

  Playing football improves a player's brain abilities, such as concentration and the ability to quickly judge what is happening on the field. It also improves the ability to make the right decisions, such as taking the correct position or place to deliver the ball to the player or avoid the attack of the opposing team.

7. Psychological effects of football

  There are many psychological benefits that football players gain from practicing this sport, the most notable of which are:

Increases a person's ability to self-discipline.

Improved focus, perseverance, and determination.

Playing football is one of the most effective ways to boost self-confidence and self-esteem.

Football is one way to relieve anxiety.

Playing the game increases a person's sense of well-being, as it increases the brain's ability to secrete chemicals that promote happiness and improve the overall mood.

benefits of Football

Other reasons to play football

In addition to the benefits of playing football, many other reasons encourage people to play football. It can be played in a variety of settings, such as backyards, on the street, or even on sandy beaches, and requires little equipment and just a ball and a free space. Football can be a hobby sport that people play for fun, or it can be made an officially professional sport by joining a private club.


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