health benefits of thyme: What are the amazing benefits of thyme? You can drink it every day

Thyme is covered with thorns and has opposite, almost oval leaves covered in fine white hairs. Its flowers are small purple or red lip petals that bloom in spring and summer, gathered in large numbers from the top of the plant.

health benefits of thyme
health benefits of thyme

What are the health benefits of thyme?

Thyme was first known in Europe in the Middle Ages, when it was grown in monks' gardens as a useful plant.

Thyme was also used by ancient Arab doctors to treat a variety of diseases, including colic, reducing swelling after heavy meals, eliminating worms, increasing appetite, treating jaundice and some skin diseases, and it was used topically with honey to relieve pain in women, joints, hips, and back.

Benefits of thyme for the colon and stomach

When using thyme leaves as a spice, thyme tea stimulates digestion, reduces gas and bloating, and improves indigestion. The volatile oils in thyme also help relieve intestinal spasms and colon diseases.


Hot thyme decoction prepared at a ratio of 1 teaspoon of dried plant/1 cup of boiling water, 1 cup three times a day, is used as an anti-inflammatory, in cases of gastrointestinal infections and is useful in treating peptic ulcers.

The benefits of thyme tea in regulating the menstrual cycle

Thyme is used to regulate women's menstrual cycle and enhance menstrual secretions. For women who suffer from menstrual cramps, thyme tea is an ideal treatment. Steeping thyme in boiling water and drinking two cups daily is used to relieve muscle cramps in women, especially menstrual cramps, and to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

The effects of thyme on diseases and infections

Thyme is the most active component of thyme and has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It prevents fungal and viral infections and fights various types of bacteria, thus enhancing and strengthening the immune system. Thyme is also rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense in the body's immune system.


Thyme also contains many anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent chronic inflammation in the body, and rinsing the mouth with boiled thyme can relieve inflammation and gum pain. Phenolic antioxidants in thyme have among the highest concentrations of antioxidants in the herb, strengthen the immune system, and help maintain the health of the body's organs and cells, including the skin, eyes, and heart.


The benefits of thyme for blood circulation and the heart

Minerals in thyme, such as potassium and manganese, protect the heart. Potassium is a vasodilator, which reduces stress on the cardiovascular system, relaxes blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure. It is also an excellent tonic for improving heart health because it allows the heart to work more efficiently and regulate the heart rate.

health benefits of thyme
health benefits of thyme

Thyme is also effective in preventing anemia as it is rich in iron and other essential minerals. 100 grams of thyme contains 17.45 mg of iron, or about 20% of the recommended daily amount of iron, which enhances blood circulation by stimulating the production of red blood cells and exchanging and transporting oxygen to the body's organs.


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