Benefits of lentils: The most important benefits of lentils

 Benefits of lentils: The most important benefits of lentils


Lentils are one of the traditional meals and soups of the cold winter season, and this is not surprising considering the many benefits of lentils:

Lentils are a legume rich in nutrients, but what are the health benefits of this small seed?

Health benefits of lentils

Lentils have been shown to have several health benefits, including:

1- It may help fight cancer

Lentils contain selenium, a mineral found only in a limited number of foods:

Reduces inflammation.

Reduces the growth of cancerous tumors.

Improves immune system health and response, including stimulating the production of disease-fighting T cells.

Enhances liver functions.

It removes some cancer-causing substances from the body.

The fiber in lentils may also help reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer.

2- Combating fatigue and exhaustion

Iron deficiency is a common cause of fatigue and malaise, and women between the ages of 18 and 50 often do not get the required amount of iron. Not consuming sufficient amounts of iron leads to an imbalance in energy production in the body, leading to fatigue and malaise.

Lentils are an excellent source of iron, as one cup of them contains more than a third of the daily requirement of iron.

3- Promoting heart health

Lentils contain a high percentage of fiber, folate and potassium, which makes lentils able to improve overall heart health, including: 

Fiber promotes heart health:

Reduces harmful cholesterol levels in the body.

Reduces the possibility of heart and circulatory diseases.

A good alternative to meat because it contains minerals, vitamins and proteins.

The potassium, calcium and magnesium in lentils can lower high blood pressure.


4- It may be beneficial for pregnant women

Folic acid is an essential nutrient for the development of a healthy fetus free of mental and cognitive problems. Regular intake of folic acid sources has been shown to reduce the likelihood of premature birth, and pregnant women are generally advised to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

5- Regulating the digestion process

Adequate dietary fiber is important for

Reducing excess weight.

Improving digestion processes in the digestive system.

Reducing appetite and satiety.

Reduce daily calorie consumption.

Prevent constipation.

Nutritional benefits of lentils

Lentils contain a large amount of wonderful nutrients necessary for good health, including




Folic acid






Vitamin B6.

Lentils are also rich in niacin, magnesium and zinc.

Types of lentils

There are four main types of lentils


Brown lentils: The cheapest and most tender type of lentils, often used in soups and stews.

Green lentils: They have a nutty flavour, do not become tough when cooked and are usually used in salads.

Red lentils: especially used in Indian cuisine.

Black lentils: resemble caviar when cooked.

Unlike other legumes, it does not need to be soaked before cooking.

Harmful effects of lentils

Eating large amounts of lentils may cause constipation. Use lentils to increase your fiber intake. If you want to increase the amount of lentils in your diet, do so gradually:

Do it gradually.

drink a lot of water.

Eat a small amount of fiber with each meal.


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